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Mosquitoes of the family Culicidae are pests of man and animals worldwide and are well known transmitters of infectious agents of immense importance. It is only the females of mosquitoes that suck blood. During this process, pathogens are transmitted between hosts by the feeding female mosquitoes.
Mosquito-borne diseases are caused by a range of different pathogen groups. There are protozoal infections, like malaria; nematode infections, like Wuchereria bancrofti (elephantiasis [lymphatic filariosis]), Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm disease) and Dirofilaria reoens Dirofilaria repens (subcutaneous dirofilariosis); virus infections, like dengue fever, West Nile fever, yellow fever, chikungunya fever and Rift-Valley fever and bacterial infections, like tularaemia.
You are looking for a specific vector, occuring in companion animals and capable of transmitting important companion vector-borne diseases (CVBD)?
![]() CVBD MapsThe CVBD Occurence World Map presents country-specific situations based on current scientific knowledge and feed-back from experts around the world in an easy-to-grasped way. |
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![]() ResourcesElanco Animal Health supports education in parasitology and especially in the field of vector-borne diseases. Access image collections, discover the World Forum calendar, interesting links and our glossary. |
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![]() CVBD World ForumThe CVBD World Forum is a working group of leading international experts with the mission to enhance knowledge and communication on companion animal vector-borne diseases for the improvement of animal, human, and environmental health. |
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