Welcome to Wag Stats!
We go above and beyond to make our pets happy. Hiking. Beach days. Pup cups. Howl-o-ween parades. The list goes on because these moments enrich our pets’ lives. We set out to discover the ins-and-outs of our relationships with our pets and how we care for them. Here is what we learned.
We love each of our pets for who they are
How we describe our pets
They crave our food and show their affection
And wag their tails to our music
Our pets’ favorite music (according to us)
And we love them for it…
… and with that love comes responsibility to protect our pets from everyday threats
From routine vet checks to endless belly rubs, we do a lot to make our pets healthy and happy. But dangers like Lyme and leptospirosis lurk around every corner—from the backwoods to our own backyards. To keep our pets safe from these harmful and nasty diseases, vaccinations are a must.
The growing preventable pet threat:
Leptospirosis and Lyme disease are more prevalent now than ever, putting dogs at greater risk of exposure simply by engaging in their regular daily activities.
Lyme disease
Lepto is a potentially fatal infection and is the leading infectious cause of acute renal failure in dogs.
Dogs become infected by ingesting water, soil or food contaminated with infected animals' (like squirrels, raccoons, or small rodents) urine. Transmission can happen when a dog spends just a few minutes outside.
Leptospirosis can be hard to diagnose, but it is easy to prevent. Vaccinations are one of the best ways to prevent your dog from becoming infected with leptospirosis.
If your dog enjoys any of these routine activities, they’re at risk for infection—regardless of where they live
But that doesn’t mean the outdoors has to be dangerous for your dog. With the right measures, there’s nothing you and your pup can’t do together.
Learn more about prevention
As a highly purified and low volume vaccine, TruCan™ Ultra offers a more comfortable vaccination experience while maximizing protection. And to ensure that you have everything you need for your dog’s next wellness visit, here is a list of questions to ask your vet.
Want to see more Wag Stats?
Check out the full breakdown of everything we do to make our pets happy—and see why vaccinated pets truly are the happiest.
Get Wag StatsMore Lepto and Lyme disease information
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